How to use painter's tape

Using painter’s tape is crucial if you want professional, tidy results from your next painting project.

While this useful tool has a rather utilitarian purpose, it can also be used in some pretty unique and innovative ways.

Check out some creative and crafty things you can do with tape that you may have never thought of before.

Create Stencils with Painter’s Tape

If you need to stencil your walls, or use them for a crafting project, tape for painting can be used to create your own custom design. Use long strips of painter’s tape and apply them to a piece of wax paper.

Once the tape is applied, draw your stencil design directly onto the tape using a pen or thin-tipped marker. After your design is complete, cut out the pattern using a razor knife or scissors. 

Remove the wax paper, and press your new stencil onto furniture, walls, and more. Paint “around” the stencil, then remove the tape once the paint is dry. The result is a unique and fun stenciled pattern that you created from your own imagination. 

This project is great for walls, but it’s recommended that you try it a few times on cardboard or another surface first to test it out. Once you’re happy with the result, you can use it to stencil walls and more.

Labels for Cables and More

Leftover painter’s tape is a great alternative to traditional labels. Apply a piece of the tape to bins and canisters in your pantry so you can easily see what’s inside.

This tape is also a perfect option to label wires and cable. Simply wrap a piece of tape around your wiring and label it accordingly, so you can easily tell which cables go to which electronics.

You can write on painter’s tape using a marker so it’s clear and easy to read. This simple hack can save you money on labels and you can easily remove the tape whenever you need to make a change.

Tape Makes a Great Template

One unique way to use painter’s tape is to create a template for your wall decor. Before you put nail holes in the walls, place pieces of the tape in areas where you want things to go.

By creating a template first, you can decide where and how you want to hang artwork, framed pictures, and more. It’s an easy way to design a room without sticking nails in the wall until you’re absolutely sure you know where you want things to hang.

Speaking of decor, this tape for painting is also great for parties and gatherings. Use the tape to hang streamers and balloons for a temporary decorating job. When the party’s over, just peel the tape off and enjoy clean, dry walls with no sticky residue.

Another tape template tip is to outline your floors for area rugs using strips of tape. This simple tip makes it easy to decide what size rug you need, and where you plan to put it in any room of the home.

Paint Stripes on the Wall

If you’ve always wanted stripes on your walls, painter’s tape will help you get it done. Start by painting the entire room in one color and allow everything to dry.

Use the tape to create the stripes, placing the strips of tape either horizontally or vertically. Make sure you use a ruler and a level to ensure that each stripe is evenly distributed apart and perfectly straight. A laser level is recommended to make the job easier.

Once your “stripes” are on the wall, you can begin painting the walls again in the alternating color using a roller. Let everything dry, then gently remove the tape to reveal a fun striped pattern.

This technique also works great for other painting projects, too. From lettering to patterns, it’s a fun and simple way to create unique designs on walls and furniture.

Other Helpful Uses 

There are lots of other things to do with painter’s tape that makes this handy tool especially useful. This tape makes a fantastic lint roller if you have pets. Simply grab a section of tape and use it to remove annoying hair and lint from your clothes, then toss it in the trashcan when you’re done.

Add a piece of the tape to open snack bags to help keep them sealed so your food stays fresh. You can easily lift the tape to open the bag, then seal it back shut when you’re done snacking.

If you don’t have kids, but you want to keep relatives and friend’s kids safe, apply pieces of painter’s tape over electrical outlets. This easy tip will keep little fingers protected, and you can remove the tape when everyone goes home. 

When working on a project that requires tiny parts like nails or screws, use painter’s tape to keep everything in place. Cover little parts and pieces with the tape until you’re ready to use them so they don’t fall onto the floor.

Make Life Easier with Tape

As you can see, there are lots of innovative things you can do with painter’s tape that you may not have thought of before. Use these easy tips to label items, seal bags, create unique designs on walls and furniture, save a little money too.

Whether you’re working on a creative project or need to draft a template for rugs and decor, this special tape can be a very useful accessory for a wide variety of applications.

For more information about our painting services, visit our website, or contact us to get a free quote today.